Thursday, April 28, 2011

My FPS Advice: Part 2

Today, I rarely see a player playing for his team. Usually people are more worried about getting a killstreak or getting revenge on a certain player. This is good in all, but for the most part, you cant help your team by doing this. Unless you are just a flat out amazing player, you would be doing your team better by just playing the objective. For example, in Demolition, people really like to try and get high killstreaks. If you can get these killstreaks, then they can really help your team by keeping the enemies off of the objectives. However, most people can't get these higher streaks. If you really want to help your team out, use lower killstreaks that benefit the ENTIRE team, not just yourself. Some good ones would be UAV, Counter-UAV(especially if the opposing team has a blackbird), SAM Turret, and the Blackbird. You would be surprised how much fun you can have even using these lower killstreaks.

I used to be one of the types of players that would just spend all of his time trying to get a higher streak. When I realized how much fun I could have when I actually played the objective, I started to enjoy playing it a lot more. You'd be surprised how easy it is to get a killstreak when playing the objective. Then, you benefit both yourself and your team, making it a win-win. This also develops you as a player and increases your skills, making it easier for you to get more kills and get killed less.

One of the easiest and least known ways to win more games is to play with a "Party". By playing with a party, you get an advantage over the other team because you help each other out and really do try and win, making it a lot more fun to play. Once I started playing with a party, I instantly noticed my Win/Loss ratio starting to increase and my KDR as well. Not only do you get to play with friends, but you get to win and have more fun too! If your skeptical about this, go out and try it. Its amazing what playing with a party can do for you.

As always, thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Playstation Network is STILL DOWN

PSN has been down for a good 5 days now. They are now saying that they have to completely rebuild it in order to make it more "secure". This could take weeks! Many think that Anonymous, the hacking group. hacked it in order to get even for GeoHotz court case. You have any thoughts on the matter?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My FPS Advice

In most of the FPSs of today, I tend to maintain around a 2.00 KDR. It's not great but its not bad either, especially considering I spend almost all of my time just messing around with friends. (I find it a lot of fun to make people that take it very seriously angry). I do this by playing SMART. I don't run out into the open unless absolutely necessary. Instead, trying staying moving along something so that you know at least one side of you is covered. The best way to get a lot of kills is to move along one side of the map and come up behind the enemies. If done right, you can catch them by surprise and almost always kill most of them. When doing this, use your knife (or tomahawk/throwing knife) or anything else completely silent that you can. This does include using silencers and/or "ghost". Giving away your position will almost always mean certain death.

When you want to shoot somebody, make SURE that your first bullet will hit them somewhere in the chest area. If you miss your first shot, the gun will usually recoil out of control and they will end up killing you first. If a gun has a lot of recoil and your first bullet hits them in the chest, the next few will bounce around and some of them may hit him in the head, making it a much quicker kill. Remember: The less of you that they can see, the better. If you can get it to where they only see your head, theres a much better chance that you will kill then they will kill you. You will have a TOTAL view of their body, while they can only see some of your head.

These are just a few of the tips that I play by and I hope that they help you! If you have some reccomendations or other tips, feel free to put them in the comments. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Black Ops Zombie maps?

It looks like its going to set on the "Discovery" map from the multiplayer and campaign. Map Pack 2 is set to release May 5, what are your thoughts?